#happy2022workday day-096

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Happy 2022 day-096! Today’s introduction…


XML data (such as RaaS output) and XML technologies (such as XSLT and WSDL) has been the focus of several of the recent #happy2022workday posts prior to the 4/4 Boomerang Share-a-thon. We looked at Reports-as-a-Service (RaaS) output of a web service enabled custom report in XML format, without mentioning that there is another data format option called JSON. Today’s picture introduces JSON format, once again using RaaS output:

  1. RaaS output in XML format, each row is a Report_Entry
  2. Example of data (column) in an instance (row) of RaaS output, named Manager_-_Level_01 (happens to be an RBO)
  3. RaaS output in JSON format, still uses Report_Entry for each row, and for the columns it uses a name:value pair format separated by commas. Logan is Betty’s manager, but we no longer see additional information on RBOs such as the WID (Workday ID)
  4. To view the JSON instead of XML on RaaS output, add “?format=json” onto the end of the RaaS REST URL (which previously ended with the report name)
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