#happy2022workday day-096
Happy 2022 day-096! Today’s introduction…
XML data (such as RaaS output) and XML technologies (such as XSLT and WSDL) has been the focus of several of the recent #happy2022workday posts prior to the 4/4 Boomerang Share-a-thon. We looked at Reports-as-a-Service (RaaS) output of a web service enabled custom report in XML format, without mentioning that there is another data format option called JSON. Today’s picture introduces JSON format, once again using RaaS output:
- RaaS output in XML format, each row is a Report_Entry
- Example of data (column) in an instance (row) of RaaS output, named Manager_-_Level_01 (happens to be an RBO)
- RaaS output in JSON format, still uses Report_Entry for each row, and for the columns it uses a name:value pair format separated by commas. Logan is Betty’s manager, but we no longer see additional information on RBOs such as the WID (Workday ID)
- To view the JSON instead of XML on RaaS output, add “?format=json” onto the end of the RaaS REST URL (which previously ended with the report name)