#happy2022workday day-080

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Happy 2022 day-080! Today’s focus…

We return from the brief fun focus on report and calc field naming conventions and governance to prepare for the upcoming 4/4 Boomerang Share-a-thon!

Recall a week ago (on day 73) we looked briefly at both XML and JSON in a RaaS output.

Let’s look closer, and remember to join us for the Weekly Wednesday in the Sharing Café where this week we will be discussing Workday Studio as well as what you see in this post:

RED “1” on Yellow: Reminder that a 1:1 “teaspoon” icon is not a list, just 1 BO (if any) attached onto another BO (as an RBO)

RED “2” on Yellow: Reminder that a 1:M “back massager” icon is a potential list of BOs attached onto another BO (as an RBO)

RED “3” on Yellow: Reminder when creating an Advanced report check the box “Enable As Web Service” to make it a Report-as-a-Service (RaaS)

RED “4” on Yellow: Manager – Level 01 field on the Worker BO is a 1:1 “Single Instance” so it can be at most one, not a potential list

RED “5” on Yellow: Example output of the report lists Worker BOs in #Workday

RED “6” on Yellow: Example output of the report lists Worker BOs exported to Excel (same data, shown in Excel instead of in Workday)

RED “7” on Yellow: From #happy2022workday post on day 73, RaaS report output in XML format (the language of Workday Studio)

RED “8” on Yellow: From #happy2022workday post on day 73, RaaS report output in JSON format (the language of Workday Extend)

Tomorrow we add onto this example, so you are ready for the Café on Wednesday morning (8am PDT)

LinkedIn Discussion
YouTube Video