#happy2022workday day-078

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Happy 2022 day-078! Today’s innovation…

Over the past several days and weeks, we have been focusing on potential #Workday Naming Conventions for both Reporting and Calculated Fields.

What if there was a tool to automatically generate the name for you and your team whenever you created a new calc field?

For example, what if you knew that all others creating calc fields in your tenant were following the same naming convention, and also you were able to set that naming convention should the initial list of options not match with your approach?

Essentially, you could follow one of the popular naming conventions, or you could create your own, picking from the features and common approaches from others.

For example, my most recent push is to make sure the word “Worker” does not appear in a calc field that is put on the Worker BO. This tool will be able to enforce this rule, and even remove the vowels from the word worker so it instead appears in the calc field name as wrkr.

If you like this approach, comment with what you would want to see in such a tool, beyond what is show in the picture:

– Description, for example “Manager Hire Date” (and if you insist on “Worker Manager Hire Date” it would change it to “Wrkr Manager Hire Date” as mentioned above, removing the vowels from worker in the name of your calc field)

– CFBO, for example Worker (the Business Object where you are placing a calc field)

– CF Function, for example Lookup Related Value, which would result in LRV going into the name

– Integration Yes/No, which would result in zCFi or zCF at the start of your new calc field name

– Report Specific CF Yes/No, which would result in a Warning dialog letting you know that the Customer Sharing Movement discourages the use of these, but the name would be zRSCF or zRSCFi if you insist on using this option

– Functional Area, which would result in HR, Ben, Pay, Comp, Rec, or whatever you set as the values should you want to use this as part of your calc field naming convention

Example name: zCF LRV Manager Hire Date (if this calc field is being used in an integration it would start with zCFi instead of zCF)

Note that above is just one specific example. You could create your own Calc Field Naming Convention (CFNC). We could even list your approach as an option for other customers (this tool is not yet released, but it’s close to being ready for customers.

The goal is for everybody you work with to follow the same CFNC.

What would you like to see in this CFNC tool?

LinkedIn Discussion
YouTube Video