#happy2022workday day-077
Happy 2022 day-077! Today’s question…
How many report fields do you have on the Worker BO with the word “worker” in it?
- Matilda’s # 1 “Don’t” in her CFNC: Don’t add the BO name to the CF name!
- David’s Suggestion: If you must put the word “Worker” on a Worker CF, remove the vowels and instead use “wrkr”
- QUESTION: Following David’s “Good Practice” of placing the self-referencing Worker field on the Worker BO as the first column, create a report and try it.
The question is how many fields do you see on the Worker BO that have the word “worker” in it? Picture shows under 1,000. Does yours say too many to list, or possibly “Error: Showing partial list. Refine search to narrow results.”