#happy2022workday day-075
Happy 2022 day-075! Today’s topic…
#Workday Custom Report Naming Conventions (CRNC) is the topic of the day.
Many reporting questions to ask those who are about to go-live, have recently gone live, have been live for over a year:
Q1: Do your custom reports follow any sort of naming convention? (CRNC = Custom Report Naming Convention)
Q2: If yes, is your CRNC something you feel is good, it’s working and worth sharing with other Workday customers?
Q3: If no, do you wish you had a CRNC because it isn’t easy to determine if a report already exists? (and, we can predict what that will lead to.)
Q4: If you don’t mind sharing the approx total, do you have more than 1,000 Custom Reports, more than 5,000, more than 10,000, and how many years have you been live on Workday?
Thanks in advance for your input, while we temporarily switch focus from Calculated Fields Naming Conventions (CFNC) to CRNC.