#happy2022workday day-058
Happy 2022 day-058! Today’s update…
Pic shows a new Community page : “Considerations for Calculated Field Names”
This ties to yesterday’s #happy2022workday about a brainstorm so customers can use an EIB to update calc field names, instead of manually clicking and typing (one sharing fan wrote a story about actually doing that for over 4,000 calc fields, and was happy with the results.)
QUESTION: Do you have so many calc fields on the Worker BO that have the word “Worker” in the calc field name that it prevents you from finding the self-referencing Worker field on the Workday BO via the search?
SUGGESTION: Remove the vowels from the word “worker” if you must for some reason include that word in the calc field name. So, wrkr instead of worker. I’ve also seen problems with too many uses of “Location” in calc fields that are on the Location BO. So, same thing, remove those vowels and instead of Location use “lctn”.
CHALLENGE: If you cannot find the Worker self-referencing field in the Worker BO because there are too many calc fields with the word “Worker”, what can you search for instead of the word “worker” in order to add the self-referencing field in the first column of a custom report?