#happy2022workday day-052

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Happy 2022 day-052! Today’s update…

Continuing with yesterday’s example of the Worker field on the Worker BO, and the “WID on a self-referencing field” (officially called the “Self referencing instance” Report Field), let’s also dive deeper into an earlier challenge about whether or not the self-referencing field is also an RBO…

The picture shows deeper details into this topic:

  1. This part of the pic is a repeat from yesterday, showing you could enter “wid: ” followed by a WID while adding fields into a custom report
  2. After the Enter key on the “wid: ” trick, selected the Worker “Self referencing instance” field on the Worker BO
  3. Searched this time under the Business Object column, and notice two matches…
    1. … the “Self referencing instance” Report Field
    2. … the Worker Business Object, which does not show an icon (“because it’s the PBO” is everybody’s best guess that I’ve asked about this empty/missing icon)
  4. After adding both of the above (3.1) and (3.2) to the report…
    1. … added the WID on the Worker “Self referencing instance” Report Field to the report
    2. … added the WID on the Worker BO to the report
  5. Both (5.1) and (5.2) show using the “wid: ” trick in the main search box, and…
    1. … the “Self referencing instance” Report Field clearly says it is a “Report Field” (yellow highlight on bottom right of this pic)
    2. … the PBO clearly says it is a Business Object (yellow highlight on bottom left)

Challenge: In case this hasn’t yet been the most fun you have had today, feel free to comment with your view as to why the PBO does not show an icon (3b and 4b, but 3b is the more important one)… any ideas about this?

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