#happy2022workday day-040

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Happy 2022 day-040! Today’s update…

In this morning’s Sharing Café, we discussed many #Workday reporting topics. One of my favorite confusing topics is a checkbox labeled “Temporary Report”.

Many people are surprised when I share that after 14+ years of doing Workday I am still learning, every week, and more accurately I am actually learning every day! If I am not learning something about the Workday system itself, I am daily learning better ways to help others learn about the Workday system.

Today is one of those days.

The topic is Temporary Reports. Is it clear as a bell? Let’s find out…

First, I learned a new word today. Maybe it’s always been there, but something about hanging out in the Sharing Café makes me want to focus even more than when I’m drinking alone. Pic shows the hover help as follows (see highlighted RED “1” in upper left corner.):

“Mark the report to expire after a certain number of days.”

Is that word “expire” a new word, or has it always been there? Seriously, has “expire” been in that hover help for 14+ years? Regardless, today I tried to find it![Aside: In the #sharingcafe chat today we discussed how error messages are getting better, so maybe over the years the hover help is also improving?]

Regardless, what does it mean for a report to be expired?

Well, let’s see if we can find the word “expire” somewhere, so I created a report on reports (yes, that’s a thing) and I searched the fields of the PBO (the “Custom Report” BO) for “expire”. No matches found (RED “2” in upper right corner.)

Next, since I want to search the entire “Custom Report” BO for that word I exported it to Excel. The word “expire” doesn’t exist anywhere in the Custom Report BO. This means the word “expire” doesn’t even exit in any of the Descriptions of any of the fields. Nowhere to be found.

Last shot at it. I searched the Excel of the Custom Report BO for the word “temporary”. Good. I found a field on the Custom Report BO named “Is Temporary” (RED “3”). But, the description of course does not accurately describe what expired means (trusting the Excel text search means the word expire is nowhere to be found in this BO).

Feel free to read that description (not highlighted in the pic.)

So, other than the hover help for this fave confusing topic (particularly for beginners) of Temporary Report, does the word “expire” exist anywhere as it related to reporting, or is that word now under a temporary expiration 🙂

Clear as a bell? Not yet I am guessing, but let the comments flow… any help please?

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