#happy2022workday day-033
Happy 2022 day-033 (a.k.a It’s 2/2)! Today’s update…
All customers who registered for the 2/2 CF Share-a-thon, please check in the morning (after 5am PST) for an email with the zoom link in the Subject line (search your email for “Hopyard” if you don’t see the email, or send LinkedIn message to Kristy.)
Picture shows two more CF functions that will be covered: BuiLd Date (BLD) and Aggregate Related Instances (ARI). Also, we will have two sessions not related to calc fields: “Boomerang Use Cases for Functional Folk” and a “Women On Workday (WOW)” breakout.
See you in the 2/2 Share-a-thon zoom, after the Sharing Café.