#happy2022workday day-032
Happy 2022 day-032 (a.k.a The 1st day of the 2nd month)! Today’s update…
It’s the final day to register for the 2/2 CF Share-a-thon.
For those of you who have already registered (300+) please search your emails for the word “Hopyard” as our Constant Contact emails might not be making it past your spam filter.
Registration is required to join us for 2/2. Do you see the same pic shown here of the “CF Pill” in email today at approx. 9:35am PST? #Workday customers, be sure to register and the Zoom link for the 2/2 Share-a-thon will be emailed to you tomorrow morning (you must have community access.)
As for the “CF Pill”, I know it’s going to be a hot item, but for now it’s still under development and internal testing [side-effect include a strong desire to help customers learn calculated fields, a potentially extreme level of sharing, an abnormally early (or late) tendency for LinkedIn posting, and a dry and sometimes sarcastic sense of humor.]
HINT: If searching your emails for “Hopyard” results in no emails and you are a #Workday customer who has ‘Join’ed the Customer Sharing Movement (remove those two spaces and add .com on the end), click Join (repeat joining is ok) and consider also including your non-work email.
In addition to calc fields, note the alternative sessions of Boomerang Integrations and WOW (all WOW members interested in Advanced CFs, we will have a separate session for you this month, before the 3/3 Reporting Share-a-thon!)
p.s. Customers who registered for 9/9 feel free to reach out to Kristy for help with 2/2 tomorrow morning.