#happy2022workday day-017
Happy 2022 day-017! Today’s update…
In the previous Weekly Wednesday at the Sharing Café we focused on what I call “Beginner Calculated Fields” which means the CF functions that do not involve RBOs. (DISCLAIMER: This definition and my #CFs4all posts are coming from me, David, The Sharing Guy, and not something I defined during the 6 years I worked at Workday and wrote the Reporting, Integration, and Calculated Fields training courses for customers and certified consultants.)
During the Sharing Café introductions, some people classified themselves as Advanced with Calc Fields, but mentioned that they joined because they “always learn something” during these sharing sessions.
Some of these #CFs4all posts might be too simple for some, and too advanced for others. If it isn’t “just right” for you now, maybe return soon and they will make more sense later, ideally at some point prior to the 2/2/22 Workday Customer Calc Field Share-a-thon. There is only so much I can fit into each post 🙂
In this week’s Sharing Café we will focus on the Extract Single Instance (ESI) CF function, which requires understanding Related Business Objects (RBOs). So, today’s pic shows both a one-to-one RBO and a one-to-many RBO off the Worker Business Object (BO).
For those who already know this well, please view yesterday’s day-016 question as I’m hoping somebody knows the answer to that RBO header challenge.